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Legionella detected at another 17 qld hospitals in NSW.

A spokeswoman for the Department of Health said it is conducting an inquiry and that it was "currently working to establish the circumstances which have led to the infection of so many hospitals in NSW".

Union up beat about defence warehouse solution?

While we're on the subject of defence warehouses, if you're looking for another way to buy stuff with an online platform like Amazon's IKEA, we've all heard how online retailers are starting to offer products for those that love to look at, but don't like to do the dirty work.

Now a company called Amazon has revealed a service it's taking to the defence warehouse market where the warehouse isn't even actually where you buy your goods or sell it.

IKEA announced on Wednesday that, to compete with online retailers, it's launching a similar product it's calling "the Amazonian Air".

It has to be stated that a lot of people want to buy their next big home remodelling project through Amazon, but that's mostly when it comes to its furniture and home decor.

In that sense, IKEA is really competing with Amazon on the online buying end, although as we've already said, it doesn't make any sense to expect such a service to come to the home remodelling market if there's no place to buy those items.

However, it still has to be said that some defence warehouses do still exist. And we've all seen what happened when this new service started to sell its own merchandise.

When it comes to the Amazonian Air, the IKEA said in its press release:

It will be delivered through the Amazonian Air (AKA the Amazonian Air) website and its direct connection between warehouse and customers. Its purpose is to provide a secure and convenient option for sellers and buyers to acquire goods directly from the internet, bypassing traditional retailers.

Of course, it sounds very complicated, so I guess this makes it seem as if it's a way to get to consumers faster and cheaper, but the bottom line is, if you're just looking for your next purchase, and you're willing to pay a little extra to avoid online retailers, what do you think this service will be for? It might be a nice way to look at buying a piece of new furniture online, but it doesn't really add up to a solution to that problem, and I don't think Amazon is interested in bringing the service to the defence market.

Now the good news is Amazon, in spite of its attempts to compete with Amazon, is going to be working for the defence industry.

Just last week, IKEA announced that it's working on a product called Project P, where it's planning to sell products online to the military, but at the moment it's still very early days before we see that actually happen.

But, you can expect Amazon Air, and similar services that it might launch before the end of the year, to b

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Ngày 21 tháng 6 năm 2020