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Hello dear friends. My wife and I are totally thrilled to encounter this site. I’ve been scouring for this info all year and I will be encouraging my children to swing by. The other night I was thumbing through the best sites out there trying to scope out a conclusion to my ever returning questions. Now I will be going to take more responsibility in whatever form possible. We are getting all blissed out on the synchronicities we are seeing. Again I just want to thank you as best I could for such open disclosure. This has propelled me out of an uncomfortable situation. Many spiritual things are shaping around my life. Its such a surprising place to make conscious friends. It is known that I am looking into the topic of levels of consciousness. Drop me a note if you are interested also. Thanks for taking the time to read my message. If you’re willing to deliver me your ideas and I will get back as soon as possible. Sincerely and I’ll share with you in due time.

Vô Danh

Ngày 21 tháng 3 năm 2020